SPANDAM. Big Data and analytics to address the demographic challenge in Spain.
SPANDAM, the dynamic model of planning in front of the demographic challenge is a simulation tool based on artificial intelligence to make decisions and developing public policies. Policies aimed at achieving a demographic development, socio-economic and environmental balance and sustainability in areas affected by depopulation. A pioneering initiative to apply the Big Data front the demographic challenge for the first time in Spain.
BUT... What is Spandam, The Dynamic Model of Planning in front of the Demographic Challenge.
SPANDAM is a software tool – currently under construction – thanks to techniques of data science into the dynamics of systems will allow to simulate the impact of different public policies and private initiatives in the main indicators of local development. Also its effect on the attractiveness of the area to retain its residents and attract new migrants, as well as potential investors.
In these moments we find ourselves implementing the phases of data quality, modeling, and design of infrastructure, as well as the study of policies and the development of indicators of specific categories.
Also underway is the scenario planning that may condition the local development and its indicators of reference, as well as the modeling and the programming of the structure of the local model that will be tested in real cases.
The Demographic Challenge in public policy and Spanish and european.

Ecological transition, digitalization and demographic challenge (social and territorial cohesion) are the three priorities of the Funding Next - Generation of the European Union.
In Spain, the Recovery Plan, transformation, and resilience is also concerned with the depopulation and specifically includes the attraction of investments and opportunities and job creation.
Big Data, dynamic systems, and demographic Challenge.
In this context, the six promoters of Spandamwe decided to create an innovative program who successfully exploited the full potential of big data and the dynamics of systems applied to decision-making in the face to the depopulation.
The software tool will help to design policies that counteract effectively the current reality of the demographic imbalances in Spain and their negative dynamics.
Projections of population development are complex and multifactorial. Analyze requires a systemic approach that is able to capture the relationships and feedbacks between all the factors involved.
In addition, it requires multidisciplinary knowledge in economics, demography, social sciences, spatial research, system dynamics, modeling, data management and software development.
The complexity of the task, explains the fact that such a model (or similarly complex) has not yet developed to Spain. The project consortium brings together all the experience required in a team formed by leaders in their fields.
Who is it directed SPANDAM
La herramienta de simulación será capaz de calcular la incidencia de decisiones y variables políticas según tipos de escenarios con el objetivo de apoyar a los responsables políticos, miembros de la sociedad civil y empresas a planificar sus actuaciones con potenciales resultados futuros, así como los efectos de las políticas que se desarrollen.
Thanks to an objective analysis of the needs of the present and the simulation of future needs, decision making, since it is not made only on the basis of the current demand up to now.
A simulation tool Visual and explanatory facing the demographic challenge.
In its final phase, SPANDAM will have a visual interface and dynamic, which would allow to explain and predict the dynamics of internal migration in Spain. The local development model will be developed using the methodology of system Dynamics. This model will include modules, among others, to: demography, economy, health services, educational services, social services, housing and urban planning, transport and communication services, environment, cultural resources and heritage, and the environment.